Hello, World!

I'm Prasad.

  • Undergraduate student, majoring in Computer Science.
  • Proficient in Java, JavaScript, Python & Golang.
  • Skills in Front End development.
  • Learning some beginner stuff in AI/ML, cloud computing, and DevOps.


Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element




10/2021 – 12/2021
  • Developed various web projects and deployed using platforms like vercel,netlify
  • Worked with Html,Css,Js, NodeJS
Full stack developer (Intern)

I2I Specialist

03/2022 – 05/2022
  • Developed fully functional website of company itself with the team
  • Worked with Html,Css,Js,NodeJS,React,Next.js &JQuery
Student chapter

Internshala student partner and internshala verified student

9/22 - PRESENT


    Html,css &Js

    A web app that takes speech as a input and provide you the text format of it .

    Html,css &Js

    A web app that takes text as a input and provide you the speech format of it & available in 50+ languages .


    A React web app that visualises various algorithms leads to better understanding of how the algoritms are working .


    Stock market prediction is a webapp devloped using stremlit ,it fetches data from fb prophet and gives meaningful predictions of various stocks that are listed(diploma final year project) .